Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elias Moncef Bounatirou
East Slavic Linguistics (with special consideration of Russian Studies)
Contact Elias Moncef Bounatirou
Curriculum Vitae:
1997-2003 Studied Latin, Russian and comparative Indo-European linguistics at the University of Bonn
1999-2003 Study sponsorship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. Villigst
2003 First state examination for the teaching profession for secondary levels I and II in the subjects Latin and Russian, University of Bonn
2003-2006 Teaching position for Latin at the Department of Greek and Latin Philology at the University of Bonn
2004 Doctoral scholarship from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
2005-2009 Doctoral scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk e. V. Villigst
2008-2014 Research assistant at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Mainz
2014-2022 Assistant at the Institute for Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Bern
2015 Oral doctoral examination (disputation), University of Bonn (dissertation published Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2018; 2 vols., 907 pp.)
Since 2016 Main expert for the subject Russian, Cantonal Matura Commission (Bern)
2019 Fellowship of the Swiss Association for Classical Studies Research stay at the Bibliotheca classica, St. Petersburg
2021-2022 Completion of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Applied Data Science, University of Bern
2021 Foundation of the research platform "Language, Violence and the Experience of Violence in Southeastern and Eastern Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries", University of Bern (together with Dr. Rebecca Krug, University of Mainz, and Dr. Franziska Anna Zaugg, University of Fribourg/University of Bern)
2022 Visiting Professor of East Slavic Linguistics with special emphasis on Russian Studies at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Vienna
since October 2022 Professor of East Slavic Linguistics (with special emphasis on Russian Studies) at the Department of Slavic Studies, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna
Research areas:
* System linguistics (esp. dependency grammar), variation/ change, comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, digital humanities/ computer philology
* Linguistic specializations (both contemporary and historical): Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Bosnian/ Croatian/ Serbian
* Current research projects: Sacred language of the Ukrainian (East Slavic) Ostrogian Bible using the example of the 4th book of Ezra and Croatian in the Ustasha period (1941-1945): the language of fictional prose
"In my research, I combine decidedly linguistic analysis methods with text and computer philological analysis approaches and strive for a broad linguistic East, West and South Slavic orientation. Only a broad methodological and content-related orientation makes it possible to explain complicated linguistic and linguistic-cultural phenomena. For example, my aim is to show how closely Slavic language cultures interact with each other and with the rest of Europe and how Slavic languages are used and misused as socio-political instruments." (Elias Moncef Bounatirou)