Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. José-Domingo Rodriguez Martin

picture of José-Domingo Rodriguez Martin

Professorship for Romance Foundations of European Private Law

Contact José-Domingo Rodriguez Martin


"When dealing with Roman law and the laws of antiquity, I am particularly fascinated by how people of different peoples, languages and cultures exchanged their own legal experiences in order to find solutions to common problems, including an extraordinary form of civil coexistence still forms the basis of our way of life today. Their experiences show us that people must be at the center of the law, because from there legal paths can be created for an enriching and peaceful coexistence, beyond distinguishing criteria such as language, race, religion or nationality , which is unfortunately often forgotten these days." (José-Domingo Rodriguez Martin)


Research areas:

* Roman legal history (source research and text transmission)
* Legal papyrology
* Byzantine law
* Roman law


Curriculum vitae:

1989-1994 studied law in Madrid (Universidad Complutense)
1997 Doctorate in Law (Roman Law) - Special Doctoral Prize from the Universidad Complutense
in 1999 he received a research scholarship from the Austrian Academic Exchange Service (ÖAD) at the University of Salzburg
2001-2006 studied classical philology in Madrid (U. Complutense de Madrid)
in 2002 he received a research scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the University of Munich
2003-2004 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellow at the University of Munich
2006 Specialization course in Greek papyrology – papyrus collection of the Abadía de Montserrat, Barcelona
2006-2007 Specialist coordinator for Roman law in the online course of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2007-2021 Professor Titular de Universidad (Roman Law) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2008-2012 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law of the U. Complutense de Madrid
2008-2012 Deputy Director of the legal journal "FORO-Revista de CC. Jurídicas y Sociales", Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Secretary: 2003-2008)
2008-2014 Lecturer at the University of Heidelberg ("Introduction to Spanish Law and its Legal Language")
2016 Guest lecturer/thesis supervisor - Collegio di Diritto Romano CEDANT, Università di Pavia
2016 Visiting Scientist / Guest Lecturer - Università di Cagliari
2017 Chercheur Résident - École Française de Rome
2017 Doctorate in Classical Philology (Legal Papyrology - Special Doctoral Prize from the Universidad Complutense
2017 2021 Visiting Professor at the University of Zurich
2021 Catedrático de Universidad (Roman Law) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
since October 2021, university professorship for Roman law and Roman foundations of European private law at the University of Vienna