Univ.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schnieder

picture of Benjamin Schnieder

Professorship of Theoretical Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Education

Contact Benjamin Schnieder




Curriculum vitae:

1974 born in Hamburg
1994-2000 Master's degree in Philosophy (minors in Mathematics & Psychology) at the University of Hamburg
2000-2001 Graduate Research Student at the University of Oxford
2001-2002 Doctorate at the University of Geneva
2003-2007 Research assistant at the University of Hamburg
2009 Visiting lecturer in Buenos Aires
2008-2011 Head of an Emmy Noether research group at the Humboldt University of Berlin
2011-2021 Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Hamburg 2013 Visiting Professor in Gothenburg (with research award from the Riksbanken Jubileumsfond) 2018 Visiting Professor in Shanghai
since March 2021 Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna


Research areas:

Philosophical areas:
*Metaphysics and ontology
*Philosophy of language and philosophy of logic

Central topics:
*Ground-sequence relations
*"because" statements
*Concepts of dependence

"Since I mainly do abstract basic research, I see my influence in teaching, where I teach students to enjoy thinking, critical awareness and argumentative skills." (Benjamin Schnieder)