Univ.-Prof. Dr. Astrid Lembke, M.A.
Professorship for Yiddish Literature and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies
Contact Astrid Lembke
Curriculum Vitae:
2001-2007 Studied German and Jewish Studies at the Goethe University Frankfurt a. Main and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2007-2008 Administrative and technical assistant (secretariat) at the Institute for German Language and Literature II at Goethe University Frankfurt a. Main
2008-2011 Coordinator of the Leibniz project "Verwandtschaft in der Vormoderne. Institutions and forms of intergenerational transmission" at the Department of History at Goethe University Frankfurt
November 2011 Doctorate at the Department of Modern Philologies at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (summa cum laude)
2011-2012 Postdoc in subproject C05 "Inscription. Reflections of Material Text Culture in the Literature of the 12th to 17th Centuries" of the SFB 933 "Material Text Cultures. Materiality and Presence of the Written in Non-Typographical Societies" at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
December 2012 Dissertation awarded the Science Prize of the Cornelia Goethe Center Frankfurt am Main
2012-2015 Research Assistant at the Institute for German Literature at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Professorship of Older German Literature with a focus on the literature of the High Middle Ages)
March-September 2018 Humboldt Fellow at the University of Toronto, Canada
June 2019 Completion of the habilitation process at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Venia Legendi for the subject of Early German Literature)
2015-2020 W2 Professor of Early German Literature and Language with a focus on Old Yiddish Literature at the Free University of Berlin
since July 2020 Professor of Yiddish Literature and Cultural Studies at the Institute for European and Comparative Linguistics and Literature (EVSL) at the University of Vienna
Research areas:
* Older Yiddish literature
* Interrelationship between Jewish and non-Jewish literatures of the Middle Ages and the early modern period
* Legendary storytelling
* Medieval reception