Martin Eisend, Professorship of Marketing

picture of Martin Eisend

Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics

Contact Martin Eisend

"In my research, I investigate the influence of marketing communication and advertising on consumers and society. The findings of my research not only help companies to operate successfully, but also to better understand the social responsibility of marketing and advertising and thus to make a contribution to social developments, such as the promotion of diversity and the improvement of welfare in society." (Martin Eisend) 

Research areas:

Marketing communication and advertising effectiveness
* Advertising and society
* Empirical generalizations and metaanalysis

Curriculum Vitae:

1994-2000 Study of Media and Communication and Business Administration (M.A.), Free University Berlin
2000-2004 Research Assistant, Chair of Marketing, School of Business & Economics, Free University Berlin
2003 Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.), Free University Berlin
2004-2007 Assistant Professor of Marketing, Free University Berlin
2006-2007 Visiting Scholar at Columbia-University, New York
2007-2024 Professor of Marketing, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
2010-2011 Visiting Researcher at the University of Antwerp
2012-2018 Study Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
2015 Visiting Professor at University of Amsterdam
2016 Visiting Professor at Macquarie University Sydney
2016 Visiting Professor at WU Vienna
2018-2021 President of the European Advertising Academy
2018-2023 Vice-President for Research, Young Scientists, and Knowledge Transfer, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
2022-2023 Vice-President of the American Advertising Academy
since 2022 Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School
since October 2024 Professor of Marketing, University of Vienna