Edvina Bešić, Professorship for Inclusive Education
Center for Teacher Education
Contact Edvina Bešić
"My work currently focuses on the study of inclusion and exclusion processes in the education system, with the aim of developing solutions that enable all students, especially children with disabilities and refugees, to participate fully in the same. Through my research, I hope to make a direct contribution to improving equal opportunities in the education system and thus promote a more inclusive society in the medium and long term." (Edvina Bešić)
Research areas:
* Inclusion and diversity research
* Intersectionality research at the interface of migration/refuge and disability
* Participatory research (specifically with pupils)
* Digitalization and inclusion
Curriculum Vitae:
2007-2011 Diploma Programme in Education and Psychology (Mar.rer.nat) at the University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the University of Graz
2012-2014 Master's programme in Inclusive Education (MSc), University of Graz
2013-2014 Student assistant, Institute for Educational Science, University of Graz
2014-2018 Research assistant (Prae doc), Institute for Educational Science, University of Graz
05/2017 Teaching stay, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2017-2019 External lecturer, Institute for Elementary and Primary Education, University College of Teacher Education Styria
2017-2020 Programme coordinator, Uni for Life: continuing education at the University of Graz
2018 Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD), University of Graz
2018-2020 Research assistant (post doc), Institute for Pedagogical Professionalisation, University of Graz
04/2019 Teaching stay, Montclair State University, USA
2020-2021 Professor for Inclusive Pedagogy and Didactics, Institute for Secondary General Education, University College of Teacher Education Styria
2020-2022 Research assistant, Research Centre for Inclusive Education (FZIB)
2021-2024 University Professor for Inclusion Research and Inclusive Didactics, Institute for Secondary General Education, University College of Teacher Education Styria
2022 Mentor for the Fulbright Programme
2022-2023 Part of the management team at the Research Centre for Inclusive Education (FZIB)
2022-2024 Research assistant, Centre for Children's and Youth Literature (KiJuLit), University College of Teacher Education Styria
2023 Award ‘Young Scientist of the Year 2023’ (Social Sciences) by the Society of Bosnian Academics Austria (BADA/GBAA)
since September 2024 Professorship for Inclusive Education at the University of Vienna (limited to two years)