ERC Grants and Nobel Prize at the University of Vienna

The funding of pioneering basic research is one of the priorities of the European Union. To this end, the European Research Council (ERC) has been established. To receive support, research projects must have a high potential for innovation. 147 ERC grants have already been awarded to researchers of the University of Vienna since 2007.
In October 2022, the university congratulated Anton Zeilinger on winning the Nobel Prize in Physics.

"The numerous grants demonstrate the international competitiveness of the University of Vienna and show nicely that our University is continuing its successful course in cutting-edge research."

Sebastian Schütze, Rector of the University of Vienna

ERC grants ranked by year

20242023 | 20222021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 

(Note: Allocation by year of award for the University of Vienna or year of transfer to the University of Vienna.
ERC grants prior to 2018 are not listed individually, as the projects have already expired).


 ERC Proof of Concept

Year 2024

Additional nomination in the category ERC Starting Grants

Ilya Chevyrev, Project SQGT Stochastic quantum gauge theories (not implemented at the University of Vienna)

 ERC Synergy Grants

Year 2023

 ERC Advanced Grants

 ERC Synergy Grants

Additional nomination in the category ERC Consolidator Grants

Michal Juricek, Project CASCADER: π-Radical Cascades to Carbon Nanostructures (not implemented at the University of Vienna)

Year 2022

 ERC Consolidator Grants

 ERC Proof of Concept

Year 2021

 ERC Advanced Grants

 ERC Consolidator Grants

Additional nomination in the category ERC Starting Grants

Marie-Luise Herzfeld-Schild, Project Going Viral: Music and Emotions during Pandemics, not implemented at the University of Vienna 

Year 2020

 ERC Synergy Grants

 ERC Advanced Grants

Additional nomination in the category ERC Consolidator Grants

Tetyana Milojevic: Project BIOMAMA: Biogenicity of Martian Materials (not implemented at the University of Vienna)

 ERC Proof of Concept

Year 2019

 ERC Advanced Grants

 ERC Consolidator Grants

 ERC Starting Grants

Year 2018

 ERC Proof of Concept


 ERC Advanced Grants

ERC grants ranked by year

20242023 | 20222021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 

(Note: Allocation by year of award for the University of Vienna or year of transfer to the University of Vienna.
ERC grants prior to 2018 are not listed individually, as the projects have already expired).

 ERC Advanced Grants

2015 EN