University management

The highest bodies of the University of Vienna are the Rectorate, the University Board and the SenateThe Rectorate has established a Scientific Advisory Board to advise the University on its development.


The Rectorate develops the University's strategic guidelines which are specified in the Development Plan, the performance agreements with the Federal Minister and the target agreements with the faculties/centres, directors of studies and service units. The Rectorate governs the University. The Rectorate consists of the Rector and four vice-rectors. The current members of the Rectorate hold office from 1 October 2022 until 30 September 2026.



The members of the Rectorate
The members of the Rectorate (left to right): Ronald Maier, Christa Schnabl, Sebastian Schütze, Manuela Baccarini and Nikolaus Hautsch. (© Universität Wien/

The University Board

Together with the Rectorate and the Senate, the University Board is the highest governing body of the University of Vienna. The University Board consists of nine members whose term of office is five years. An equal number of members is appointed by the University and the Federal Government. These members elect the ninth member. In execution of its duties, the University Board acts as an interface between the University, public authorities and society. The current members of the University Board hold office from 1.3. 2023 until 29.2. 2028.


  • Dr. Elisabeth Lovrek (Chair)
  • Prof. Mag. Helmut Kern  (1. deputy Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Strohschneider  (2. deputy Chair)
  • Prof. Dr.h.c. Jutta Allmendinger, Ph.D.
  • Mag. Barbara Blaha
  • Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius
  • Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
  • Dr. Henrietta Egerth-Stadlhuber
  • Dr. Paul Frey
The members of the University Board (left to right): Paul Frey, Jutta Allmendinger, Peter Strohschneider, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Barbara Blaha, Henrietta Egerth-Stadlhuber, Elisabeth Lovrek, Helmut Kern, Antje Boetius. (© Johannes Hloch)

The Senate

Together with the Rectorate and the University Board, the Senate is the highest governing body of the University. The University of Vienna's Senate consists of 18 members. The current members of the Senate hold office from 1 October 2022 until 30 September 2025.

Nine members are from among the group of university professors:

  • Stefan Krammer (Chair)
  • Maria Stassinopouou 
  • Michael Wagner
  • Judith Rollinger
  • Susanne Reindl-Krauskopf
  • Ulisse Stefanelli
  • Wolfgang Klas
  • Nuno Maulide
  • Kathrin Sartingen

Four members are from among the group of associate professors and staff engaged in the arts, research and teaching

  • Katharina Pallitsch
  • Markus Fulmek
  • Annemarie Steidl (1. deputy Chair)
  • Michael Weber

One member is from among the group of non-academic university staff  

  • Christian Albert (2. deputy Chair)

Four members are from among the group of students (sent by the representatives of the Austrian National Union of Students at the University of Vienna)   

  • Jessica Gasior
  • Tomadher Khandour
  • Hannah Lea Weingartner
  • Elisabeth Wu 
group photo of the senate
The Senate (together with the administration team, sitting from left to right): Maria Stassinopoulou, Katharina Pallitsch, Tomadher Khandour, Nicola Roehlich, Kathrin Sartingen, Judith Maria Rollinger standing behind from left to right: Hannah Lea Weingartner, Susanne Reindl-Krauskopf, Jessica Gasior, Christian Albert, Wolfgang Klas, Michael Wagner, Stefan Krammer (Chair), Markus Fulmek, Claus Tieber, Birgit Oberkleiner, Karin Haslinger, Sylvia Kritzinger, Nuno Maulide

The Scientific Advisory Board

According to its Organisation Plan, the University of Vienna has a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) that analyses and observes "the University of Vienna within the context of the international academic landscape" and advises the University on its long-term strategy. According to the Organisation Plan, the Senate and the University Board each select three persons out of the Rectorate's proposal, which has to consist of at least 14 persons. The Rectorate selects three further persons out of the remaining persons.

Members of the new Scientific Advisory Board consist of nine independent and internationally renowned researchers from Europe and America whose expertise covers the entire range of subjects available at the University of Vienna.

List of SAB members:

  • Martin Ackermann, Department of Microbiology, EAWAG, Switzerland
  • Jill Caskey, specialising in Medieval Art and Architecture, University of Toronto
  • Vishva Dixit, specialising in molecular and cell biology, Genentech, USA
  • Georg von Krogh, specialising in Strategic Management and Innovation, ETH Zurich
  • Alexandra Lieben, Department of Sociology, UCLA Los Angeles
  • Donatella della Porta, Department of Political Science, WZB Berlin
  • Robert Schlögl, specialising in Chemistry, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Pierre Vandergheynst, specialising in Computer Science, EPFL Lausanne
  • Yfaat Weiss, specialising in history, Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture

The term of office of the SAB members expires simultaneously with the term of the Rectorate on 30 September 2026.


Corporate Governance Report 2022 (in German)




Corporate Governance Report 2021 (in German)



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Corporate Governance Report 2020 (in German)



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