Contact & services A-Z

All services A-Z

Contact: Who to ask about ...?

I have an enquiry - who can help me? We try to respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible. The best way to get a quick answer is to directly contact the competent unit.

In the following section you find the most important contacts at a glance:


Study-related questions:

If you have question that are study-related, kindly inquire here: or use the following contact form:

Nutzen Sie bitte die Informationen der Website bzw. das Kontaktformular:

 Event calendar

Employees of the University of Vienna can log in the event calendar with their u:account to enter information on events in the calendar. Please direct your enquiries concerning usage and technical problems to kalender(at)

Institutions that are not part of the University of Vienna and intend to use the University's event calendar should send an e-mail to kalender(at)

 IT support

If you experience technical problems or if you have questions about your u:account, please contact the Helpdesk of the Vienna University Computer Center (ZID).

 Questions, comments, etc. about our WWW pages

The information provided on our WWW pages is not up to date? Difficult to find? Please send your requests, complaints and suggestions to web.oeffentlichkeitsarbeit(at)

For the WWW pages of other organisational units the webmaster or webmistress of the relevant website is responsible. Please send your comments about these pages to the webmaster or webmistress mentioned on the relevant page.

 Web editor

Corporate Communications service unit

Head: Mag. Cornelia Blum



Web management: Martin Rauch - webredaktion(at) (no study related support) 

Event calendar: kalender(at)

Web editor & Online-News: 

 Making changes to the course directory

The WWW editor does not have any information on the courses offered in the course directory. If the course directory does not contain information on a course's time or place, please refer to the course lecturer or the competent department.

If you want to correct incomplete, incorrect or obsolete data in the course directory of the University of Vienna, you will find detailed instructions here (in German).

 Making changes to the staff & unit directory

Human Resources Administration is responsible for the storage and maintenance of data about university staff. Generally, only university-specific data are collected and entered in the database.

If you want to correct incomplete, incorrect or obsolete data about university employees in the online staff directory of the University of Vienna, you will find detailed instructions here (in German).

 Information for students

The department of Teaching Affairs and Student Services is the primary source of information for prospective students and current students. It provides information on the range of degree programmes, admission, tuition fees and legal issues.